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Refereed Journal Publications

1.  Du, J., Mahjoubi, S., Bao, Y., Banthia, N., & Meng, W. (2023). Modeling mixing kinetics for large-scale production of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: effects of temperature, volume, and mixing method, Construction and Building Materials (IF=7.4), 397, 132439.

2.  Tan, X., Mahjoubi, S., Zou, X., Meng, W., & Bao, Y. (2023), Metaheuristic inverse analysis on interfacial mechanics of distributed fiber optic sensors undergoing interfacial debonding, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (IF=8.934), 200, 110532.

3.  Mahjoubi, S., Barhemat, R., Meng, W., & Bao, Y. (2023). Deep learning from physicochemical information of concrete with an artificial language for property prediction and reaction discovery. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (IF=13.716), 190, 106870.

4.  Mahjoubi, S., Ye, F., Bao, Y., Meng, W., & Zhang, X. (2023). Identification and classification of exfoliated graphene flakes from microscopy images using a hierarchical deep convolutional neural network, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IF=7.802), 119, 105743.

5.  Mahjoubi, S., Barhemat, R., Meng, W., & Bao, Y. (2023). AI-guided auto-discovery of low-carbon cost-effective ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), Resources, Conservation and Recycling (IF=13.716), 189, 106741.

6.  Tan, X., Mahjoubi, S., Zhang, Q., Dong, D., & Bao, Y. (2022). Optimizing high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites for improving bridge resilience and sustainability, Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (IF=2.1), 3(1), 1-18.

7.  Barhemat, R., Mahjoubi, S., Li, V., & Bao, Y. (2022). Lego-inspired reconfigurable modular blocks for automated construction of engineering structures, Automation in Construction (IF=10.517), 139, 104323.

8.  Yan, M., Tan, X., Mahjoubi, S., & Bao, Y. (2022). Strain transfer effect on measurements with distributed fiber optic sensors, Automation in Construction (IF=10.517), 139, 104262.

9.  Mahjoubi, S. & Bao, Y. (2022). Logic-guided neural network for predicting steel-concrete interfacial behaviors, Expert Systems with Applications, 198, 116820. (IF=8.665).

10.  Mahjoubi, S., Tan, X., & Bao, Y. (2022). Inverse analysis of strain distributions sensed by distributed fiber optic sensors subject to strain transfer, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (IF=8.934), 166, 108474.

11.  Mahjoubi, S., Barhemat, R., Guo, , Meng, W., & Bao, Y. (2021). Prediction and multi-objective optimization of mechanical, economical, and environmental properties for strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) based on automated machine learning and metaheuristic algorithms, Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=11.072), 329, 129665.

12.  Mahjoubi, S., Meng, W., & Bao, Y. (2022). Auto-tune learning framework for prediction of flowability, mechanical properties, and porosity of ultra-high-performance concrete, Applied Soft Computing (IF=8.263), 115, 108182.

13.  Mahjoubi, S., & Bao, Y. (2021). Game theory-based metaheuristics for structural design optimization, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (IF=10.066), 36 (10), 1337-1353.

14.  Mahjoubi, S., Barhemat, R., & Bao, Y. (2020). Optimal placement of triaxial accelerometers using hypotrochoid spiral optimization algorithm for automated monitoring of high-rise buildings, Automation in Construction (IF=10.517), 118, 103273.

15.  Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, D.A., Dar, A.R., Anbarasu, M., Lim, J.B., & Mahjoubi, S. (2020). Flexural strength of cold-formed steel built-up composite beams with rectangular compression flanges, Steel and Composite Structures (IF=6.386), 34(2), 171-188.

16.  Kaveh, A., & Mahjoubi, S. (2019). Hypotrochoid spiral optimization approach for sizing and layout optimization of truss structures with multiple frequency constraints, Engineering with Computers (IF=8.083), 35, 1443-1462.

17.  Kaveh, A., & Mahjoubi, S. (2018). Lion pride optimization algorithm: A meta-heuristic method for global optimization problems, Scientia Iranica (IF=1.416), 25 (6), 3113-3132.

18.  Kaveh, A., Ilchi Ghazaan, M., & Mahjoubi, S. (2018). Comparison of four meta-heuristic algorithms for optimal design of double-layer barrel vaults, International Journal of Space Structures (IF=1.474), 33(3-4), 115-123.

19.  Kaveh, A., & Mahjoubi, S. (2018). Optimum design of double-layer barrel vaults by lion pride optimization algorithm and a comparative study, Structures (IF=5.871), 13, 213-229.

20.  Kaveh, A., & Mahjoubi, S. (2017). Design of multi-span steel box girder using lion pride optimization algorithm, Smart Structures and Systems (IF=4.581), 20(5), 607-618.

©2023 by Soroush Mahjoubi

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